Citrix receiver grey screen when login
Citrix receiver grey screen when login

citrix receiver grey screen when login

The text for the "Use storage local to the hypervisor" option in the "Add Connection and Resources" wizard that is running on a non-English version of the Windows operating system might be truncated.Attempts to access machine catalogs in Citrix Studio can cause Citrix Studio to exit unexpectedly and the following exception occurs: "Error Id: XDDS:ABB14FD9".When you attempt to add user-assigned machines to a Delivery Group, unassigned machines might be displayed on the "Machine allocation" page.The session printer override setting checkboxes (PrintQuality, PaperSize, Scale, and TrueTypeOption) are always selected even though you have cleared them in previously.When you stop typing in the search box of the "Printer Assignment" policy, the search action does not start.This issue occurs when the "Remove" option is disabled. Attempts to remove a session printer from the printer assignment policy fails.The exception "InvalidOperationException" occurs when adding a new session printer.The exception "InvalidCastException" occurs when adding or editing the printer assignments policy.When attempting to manage the "Printer Assignments" policy, the following issues might occur:.The issue occurs when the scroll bar is not available. Attempts to add a new USB redirection rule to a user policy in Active Directory might fail.In subsequent searches, the bar appears as expected. When you open the Director Console and search for users for the first time, the loading bar does not appear.XenApp and XenDesktop 7.15 LTSR Cumulative Update 1 (CU1) fixes more than 80 issues reported since the initial release of the 7.15 LTSR. De what's new sectie van deze uitgave ziet er als volgt uit: XenApp and XenDesktop 7.15 LTSR Cumulative Update 1 (CU1)

citrix receiver grey screen when login

Voor meer informatie verwijzen we jullie door naar deze pagina. XenApp neemt het aanbieden van applicaties voor zijn rekening. XenDesktop is een virtual desktop infrastructure, of kortweg vdi, voor het aanbieden van een gevirtualiseerde Windows desktop-omgeving. Het versienummer is vastgezet op 7.15 CU1 en is voorzien van het LTSR-stempel waarvan de voordelen op deze pagina uiteengezet worden. Citrix heeft de eerste cumulatieve update uitgegeven voor XenApp en XenDesktop 7.15 LTSR.

Citrix receiver grey screen when login